1) Start their day off with a card or note in an unexpected place. Try placing the note in a much used location in a backpack, packing it in their lunch, leaving it on the dashboard of the car, or scrawling it on the bathroom mirror. This is a wonderful way to start their day off with a smile and let them feel warm, appreciated, and in celebration mode from the very first moments of the day.
2) If you will have to be apart for a portion of the day, give them a brief call just to let them know that you are thinking about them, and hope that their birthday is going great so far. Be sure to call either at a time when you know they will not be busy or during a period you know that their phone will be off and you are free to leave a message without disturbing them. Be silly or sappy. Make up a song about how they make you feel and sing it. You don't have to be talented to get great reactions. Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
3) Never underestimate the power of a surprise special delivery. Flowers, candies, and cookies are among the most popular delivery items, but don't be afraid to let your imagination expand.
4) Do an errand or chore for them. This can be something that they have been putting off for some time, or simply a daily task that they find disagreeable. Ladies may want to consider taking the car(s) in for an oil change, doing some yard work, or washing the car(s) inside and out. Gentlemen should consider things such as offering to cook dinner, run errands, or help with some other project she would like done.
5) Make physical affections a priority. A little extra cuddling, or a few extra hugs throughout the day for loved ones who are comfortable with physical closeness can really help them feel extra special and loved. For less enthusiastic cuddlers, an affectionate pat on the back, a playful tousling of hair, or a quick hug may be more comfortable and enjoyable.
Above all, consider what makes them truly shine as an individual and be sure to give them as many opportunities to do so as you possibly can as you celebrate the anniversary of their birth.
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nice idea :D visit me back
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